
The following is a list of my publications; for a more detailed view of all my projects, please refer to the overall projects page.

Leung, B., Ho, C.H., & Vasconcelos, N. (2022). Black-box test-time shape refinement for single view 3d reconstruction. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop on Learning with Limited Labelled Data [Paper] [Project Page]

Leung, B. (2022). Understanding Learned Visual Invariances Through Hierarchical Dataset Design and Collection. MS Thesis. [Paper]

Leung, B.*, Ho, C. H.*, Sandstrom, E., Chang, Y., & Vasconcelos, N. (2019). Catastrophic child’s play: Easy to perform, hard to defend adversarial attacks. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 9229-9237). [Paper] [Project Page]

Leung, B., Singh, S., & Horodniceanu, A. (2020). Domain adaptation for real-world single view 3d reconstruction. ArXiv:2108.10972 [Cs]. [Paper] [Project Page]

Leung, B., Ho, C. H., Persekian, A., Orozco, D., Chang, Y., Sandstrom, E., Liu, B., & Vasconcelos, N. (2019). Oowl500: Overcoming dataset collection bias in the wild. ArXiv:2108.10992 [Cs]. [Paper] [Project Page]